The People of MWDC
The MetroWest Dive Club is all about People who enjoy Diving.
Our club members are mostly from Boston's MetroWest area and cover all levels of diving experience. Our membership includes beginning divers, underwater photographers, marine biologists, cave divers, wreck divers... The list goes on and on.
Each September the members of the club elect a slate of officers and a board of directors to guide and govern the club over the course of a year. Officers and Coordinators are automatically on the board of directors.
The Club's rules and policies are defined in its By-laws.
The MetroWest Dive Club also would not be able to carry on without the volunteers who coordinate the various functions that makes our club great.
Elected Board Members
Officers and Coordinators are automatically members of the Board. Below are additional Board members.
Jim Andrews
Laurie Borek
Jenna Howard
Georgios Kokovidis
Jim Nannery
Alexine Raineri
Jason Toomey
Our mailing address is:
MetroWest Dive Club
P.O. Box 1916
MA 01701