Joining or Renewing with our Club

Why join?

If you're on this page and not already a club member, we're glad that you're thinking about joining us. The club has a lot to offer to its members - be they newly certified divers or seasoned salts. From monthly presentations on dive-related topics at our club meetings and social activities - such as an annual end-of-summer picnic and a number of other social events.

But we don't meet to just talk about diving - an overwhelming majority of our membership are active divers throughout the year. So if you're looking for people to dive with - we got you covered! With any-day, any-time, any-place, members-driven diving and several annual club dive trips including to North Carolina. We're out there diving year round! Only Mother Nature stops us! Many of our members use the Club's e-mail list to find buddies.

And speaking of our members - they cover a very wide range of interests and skills. From novices to seasoned tech and cave divers, from photographers to lobster hunters, from reef to wreck. There's a very large cache of experience and information that our members would love to share with you.

So if you're interested in becoming a member, we invite you to come join us at one of our club meetings. We meet every 2nd Tuesday of every month. Meetings are open to everyone, not just members, and you can get to know us a little better and see what we're all about before you join our ranks. You can find more information about our meetings here.

How much is it?

The dues are for a rolling 12 months: $55 for individual members, $70 for a family membership, $33 for a senior membership (age >= 65), and $25 for a corresponding membership for divers living out of Massachusetts for which we have many.

How do I sign up?

Sign up Member Planet, for help contact our membership coordinator at Include your full name, email, and cell number. You will be sent an invitation with a link to Member Planet, our membership platform, to complete your profile, pay your dues and complete our liability waiver.

How do I renew?

If you're already a member and your membership is about to expire, the easiest way to renew is via Member Planet (click "Renew on Member Planet"). It's quick, safe, secure, and you can use a credit card.

Of course, if you'd rather renew in person or via regular mail, you can do so at a meeting or by sending a check for the amount of your annual dues to the address above. Thanks!