Date@8 (Shore Diving)

IMPORTANT: the Date@8 has been canceled for the next few Saturdays,
please check back again later for updates.

Looking to socialize with other divers, don’t have a buddy to dive with, or not sure where to dive?

"Date@8" is the Club’s regular weekly dive outing which runs year-round. Divers rendezvous every Saturday morning at 8:00 am (weather and sea conditions permitting) at the Burger King rest area located just after Exit 46 on Route 128 in Beverly, MA. The rest stop is a convenient spot for divers to meet-up, have breakfast, and plan the day’s diving activities before heading north to selected dive sites located in the Cape Ann area.

Not a member? Don’t worry – Date@8 is open to everyone, and there is no cost or obligation if you would like participate. You can participate twice before you have to join the Club. One or more designated Club representatives will be present each week to coordinate the outing for any divers interested in participating – with or without buddies.

Non-members will be asked to show a valid C-card and sign a dive waiver prior to diving. Site locations, days and meeting times are subject to change according to weather forecasts, prevailing conditions, and diver safety and ability considerations. For more details and current dive plans, contact the Club representative at by the Thursday before the dive to let them know you would like to attend. Please include your cell phone number, certification level, years of diving or number of logged dives. This information will help the dive leader match you with an appropriate buddy if necessary.

The Club also periodically organizes weekend visits to other shore and boat sites around Massachusetts and the greater New England area (including Maine and Rhode Island) as new and interesting dive opportunities arise. We have familiar sites, but we also enjoy trying new, safe, fun locations if you have recommendations.

Please remember that all divers are responsible for providing and maintaining their own gear.

If you have signed up for a dive but are running late, please notify the Club representative. 

Check out the Date@8 dive reports and photos in our Facebook albums.